Getting-started in Android
Important Sources:
Setup local development environment
Install AndroidStudio.
Open New Project from Version Controll -> Git -> clone the repo (URL).
Setup emulator or phone: Guide for Windows.
Now you can run the app either in an emulator or on your phone by pressing run (SHIFT+F10)
The next steps are also possible over the AndroidStudio GUI 5. Because we use submodules, we need to to some additonal steps to get get all dependent files. Go to the terminal in AdroidStudio. There you enter the following commands
git submodule init
git submodule update
To get changes from the submodule repository, use the terminal:
cd vtm-parent
git fetch
git merge origin/dev
cd ..
To make submodule commits:
cd vtm-parent
git fetch
git checkout dev //this is just to lose the detached head state
git pull
git checkout -b //to get a new branch
git push --set-upstream origin //if it is the first commit
git commit -m "message"
git push
cd ..